Commentaries and Other Articles
Michaud, G. (2024, Spring). Facilitating renewable energy job transitions. Commentary article for Solar Today. https://openurl.ebsco.com/EPDB%3Agcd%3A8%3A29435288/detailv2?sid=ebsco%3Aplink%3Ascholar&id=ebsco%3Agcd%3A176462476&crl=c.
Hao, S., Bergbower, A., Rodriguez, O., Smith, M., Michaud, G. (2022, February 14). Investigating concerns from locals regarding utility-scale solar development in the Midwest. Commentary article for Solar Magazine. https://solarmagazine.com/investigating-concerns-from-locals-regarding-utility-scale-solar-development-midwest/.
Michaud, G. (2021, June 14). Supporting abandoned mine land cleanup in Ohio through AML Fund reauthorization and the RECLAIM Act. Op-Ed for The Athens Messenger. https://www.athensmessenger.com/comment/editorials/supporting-abandoned-mine-land-cleanup-in-ohio-through-aml-fund-reauthorization-and-the-reclaim-act/article_4fed7a99-317b-55c1-bb53-9c4302757d62.html.
Zimmer, M. J., Michaud, G., Jenkins, D. (2021, May 26). Lessons learned from the 2021 Texas blackout, implications for Ohio, and paths forward for emergency management and disaster planning. Blog article for Energy Central. https://energycentral.com/lessons-learned-2021-texas-blackout-implications-ohio-and-paths-forward-emergency.
Stevens, K. A., Michaud, G., Jenkins, D. (2021, April 26). What is the significance of potential solar PPA legislation in Florida? Magazine article for Solar Today. https://ases.org/what-is-the-significance-of-potential-solar-ppa-legislation-in-florida/.
Michaud, G. (2020, September 24). How I’ve successfully held the attention of my virtual university students. Blog article for Reverb. https://reverb.chat/blog/educators/how-ive-successfully-held-the-attention-of-my-virtual-university-students.
Keener, T., Michaud, G. (2020, August 29). Overcoming impending sea level rise in Virginia through rural economic development. Commentary article for Public Administration Times. https://patimes.org/overcoming-impending-sea-level-rise-in-virginia-through-rural-economic-development.
Michaud, G. (2020, May 26). What's driving distributed generation adoption? Magazine article for T&D World. https://www.tdworld.com/distributed-energy-resources/article/211320/whats-driving-distributed-generation-adoption.
Welle, J., Michaud, G. (2020, March 30). New report highlights the economic development impacts of a community solar program in Cleveland. Commentary article for the Ohio Economic Development Association Newsletter. https://ohioeda.com/new-report-highlights-the-economic-development-impacts-of-a-community-solar-program-in-cleveland.
Riley, J., Michaud, G. (2019, October 27). On electricity deregulation and the California power crisis. Commentary article for Public Administration Times. https://patimes.org/on-electricity-deregulation-and-the-california-power-crisis.
Michaud, G., Riley, J. (2018, October 19). What’s next for Ohio’s RPS? Commentary article for the Ohio Economic Development Association Newsletter. https://ohioeda.com/whats-next-for-ohios-rps.
Zimmer, M., Michaud, G. (2018, October). What are the implications of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio’s recent PowerForward report? Blog article for the Consortium for Energy, Economics & the Environment (CE3) at Ohio University’s Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Affairs. https://ce3comprehensive.wordpress.com/2018/10/24/what-are-the-implications-of-the-public-utilities-commission-of-ohios-recent-powerforward-report.
Michaud, G. (2018, July 26). Economic impacts, policy, and the future of renewable energy in Ohio. Commentary article for the Ohio Economic Development Association Newsletter. https://ohioeda.com/economic-impacts-policy-and-the-future-of-renewable-energy-in-ohio.
Michaud, G., Hall-Jones, C. (2018, April 30). Examining the impact of the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act. Commentary article for Public Administration Times. https://patimes.org/examining-the-impact-of-the-healthy-hunger-free-kids-act.
Michaud, G., Smith, C. (2018, February 6). Shale industry still booming in Ohio. Commentary article for the Ohio Economic Development Administration Newsletter. https://ohioeda.com/shale-industry-still-booming-in-ohio.
Michaud, G. (2017, October 19). Assessing cultural competency and public health outcomes. Commentary article for Public Administration Times. http://patimes.org/assessing-cultural-competency-public-health-outcomes.
Michaud, G. (2017, September 30). Community economic development projects: Sustainability through monitoring, communication, and evaluation. Commentary article for WhyDev? Committed to Getting Development Right. http://www.whydev.org/community-economic-development-projects-sustainability-monitoring-communication-evaluation.
Michaud, G. (2017, August). Community solar in Ohio. Blog article for the Consortium for Energy, Economics & the Environment (CE3) at Ohio University’s Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Affairs. https://ce3comprehensive.wordpress.com/2017/08/07/community-solar-in-ohio.
Michaud, G. (2015, November 13). Attending #2015APPAM for the first time: A student perspective. Blog post for the Association of Public Policy Analysis & Management (APPAM). http://www.appam.org/attending-2015appam-for-the-first-time-a-student-perspective.
Michaud, G. (2015, September 22). SNAP and e-government: Do states understand the implications? Commentary article for Public Administration Times. http://patimes.org/snap-e-government-states-understand-implications.